Here it is my writing blog. I am starting this blog for NaNoWriMo. What is that you ask? Well if you can see this here blog odds are you already know, cause you are doing it too. If not it just means you were curious about this other new blog of mine and wanted to check it out... So NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month. It happens each November and you sign up and try to write a novel, 50,000, in 30 days. Sound hard, it is, I have tried it for 3 years now and have yet to accomplish this.
I am once again going to attempt to accomplish, and start anew with a big goal in mind and a desire to get it done! After this I am going to transfer all my writing onto this blog and cut out my extra writing blog on my former class site...
Wish me luck and if you would like to attempt NaNoWriMo Click on this here link and sign up, and add me as a buddy!
Yay! Have you thought of a new plot/idea yet?